Who We Are

5X Coffee is a cold brew coffee true to its name. Through a careful process involving a long steep and cloth filtering we brew coffee that is 5 times stronger than the typical brew. No evaporation, just strong coffee. Our coffee tastes great either straight or diluted. Mix 1 part 5X Coffee and 4 parts water or milk to achieve a standard strength drink.


We currently have three bottles: Code Dark, Moon Fuel, and Alpha.
Code Dark, our flagship brew, is a smooth dark roast with chocolaty undertones.
Moon Fuel is our strongest brew. Best for when you are going to the moon metaphorically or literally.
Alpha is our label for test brews. Marked with a placeholder name. These are candidates that may become regular brews. Only a few are made. So if you got one. Congratulations!

Online Ordering

Check back soon for online ordering.